Variable passing to external program - How??

Cousin Stanley CousinStanley at
Sat Oct 11 13:17:15 EDT 2003

Following is yet another version for checking file access
that takes the file_path as an argument to the module, 
and differentiates R,E,W or NO access ....

    Module .......
    NewsGroup .... comp.lang.python
    Date ......... 2003-10-10
    Posted_By .... rigga
    Edited_By .... Stanley C. Kitching

import os
import sys

NL  = '\n'
SP  = ' ' 
SP3 = SP * 3
SP7 = SP * 7

module_this = sys.argv[ 0 ]

print '%s    %s '  % ( NL , module_this ) , NL

if len( sys.argv ) < 2 :

    print SP7 , 'Usage :  python file_path' , NL

    sys.exit( -1 )

file_path = sys.argv[ 1 ]          # Input File Path as 1st Argument

if os.path.exists( file_path ) :

    print SP7 , "File Path Exists ...." , file_path , NL

    read_flag  = os.access( file_path , os.R_OK )
    exec_flag  = os.access( file_path , os.X_OK )
    write_flag = os.access( file_path , os.W_OK )

else :

    print SP7 , "*** File  NOT  Found ***" , NL
    print SP7 , SP3 , file_path , NL

    sys.exit( -2 )

list_access = []

if  read_flag :  list_access.append( 'Read' )
if  exec_flag :  list_access.append( 'Execute' )
if write_flag :  list_access.append( 'Write' ) 

if ( read_flag | exec_flag | write_flag ) : 

    str_access = ' , '.join( list_access ) 

else : 

    str_access = 'NO'

print SP7 , 'You have [ %s ] Access to the File' % ( str_access ) , NL 

Cousin Stanley
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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