Auto-crop in PIL?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Fri Oct 31 05:19:40 EST 2003

Kevin Smith wrote:

> Is there a way to "auto-crop" an image in PIL?  I have some PNG images
> with white backgrounds that I want cropped to show only the non-white
> portion in the center, but I don't see how I can do this.

import Image, ImageChops

# Crop borders off an image.
# @param im Source image.
# @param bgcolor Background color, using either a color tuple or
#     a color name (1.1.4 only).
# @return An image without borders, or None if there's no actual
#     content in the image.

def autocrop(im, bgcolor):
    if im.mode != "RGB":
        im = im.convert("RGB")
    bg ="RGB", im.size, bgcolor)
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return im.crop(bbox)
    return None # no contents


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