pycom: how to expose Python 2.3 property instance as a VARIANT?

Lijun Qin qinlj at
Wed Oct 15 04:56:01 EDT 2003

Make your class derived from object, such as 
class D(object):
    def __init__

eternalsquire at (The Eternal Squire) wrote in message news:<904dab11.0310111959.1b2f7838 at>...
> Hi everyone,
> I am wanting to write a Python COM server with a data member created
> by using the new Python 2.3
> property() built-in function.    When I attempt to access the member
> through a client, I get
> the ComError message saying that I cannot convert type property into a
> VARIANT, so it looks
> like the default exposure mechanism in pythoncom.dll is not working
> properly.
> Do you have any suggestions as to how I can wrap the property
> properly?  I'd much rather not create a
> nonstandard pythoncom.dll to do the conversion unless I absolutely
> must.
> Thanks:
> The Eternal Squire
> (see below an example sketch of what I intend.  I'm well aware that I
> need the CLSID, PROGID, and other attributes in my example, let's
> assume I did that and that I also know how to register a COM server).
> ---- cut here ---
> class Friend:
>     'an object that modifies or uses the object which owns it'
>     def __init__ (self, top):
> = top
> class SmartValue (Friend):
>   'an example of a managed attribute of a COM interface'
>   KEY = 'x'
>   def __init__ (self, top):
>      Friend.__init__ (self, top):  
> = 0
>      setattr (, KEY, property (self.get, self.set))
> += [ self.KEY ]
>   def get (self):
>     return
>   def set (self, value):
> = value
> class COMInterface:
>    ' an example COM interface template'
>    ELEMENTS = [ ]
>    def __init__ (self):
>      [ e (self) for e in self.ELEMENTS ]
> class MyInterface (COMInterface):
>     ' an example specific COM interface'
>     ELEMENTS = [ SmartValue ]
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    'code to register MyInterface would follow here'
> --- cut here ---

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