Python is not [yet] Considered Harmful
lamey at
Mon Oct 27 12:20:00 EST 2003
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 08:27:27 -0800 (PST), mike420 at wrote:
>Hannu Kankaanp?? wrote:
>> mike420 at wrote in message
>>> It was an honest mistake, not a troll! Still, I think it should
>>> be [1, 2, 3] instead of [3, 3, 3]
>> I don't think you understand what a troll is. Troll is someone
>> who posts any of the following:
>> 1. "Python is Considered Harmful" (given it's highly readable syntax,
>> great libraries and high dynamicity, I can't see how a single
>> feature could make Python 'harmful'. The title could've just been
>> "Unexpected behaviour of closures inside list comprehensions")
>> 2. "I present to you the final and ultimate proof of Python's
>> brain-damage" (again, a needless attack.. which turned against
>> yourself though)
>> 3. "All this Python bashing is starting to feel like mocking
>> a retarded child..." (this doesn't need explanation, I hope)
>This is circular logic. Since no one else yet wrote any of
>the above, what you are saying is "you are a troll, because troll
>is you". I don't think you know what troll means, so you use it
>like an insult ("Boo, you criticized my pet computer language, you
>are a troll")
>Nevertheless, let's ask the experts. If only 3 (three!) people
>from alt.troll say that writing
>while believing that Python does something very nasty, or, say,
>(which turned into an interesting discussion, by the way!) makes
>one a troll, then I'll stop :-(
>{F-up2 alt.troll only is OK. I never read that newsgroup, but I'll
>check the responses (and who they are from, if negative) in a
>few days}
There are no troll, there is no group called alt.troll
Pleeze stop e mailing this to me.
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