Grid question: How do I force grid elements to expand and use available space

Marc mnations at
Wed Oct 8 13:06:59 EDT 2003

Hi all,

Perplexed by this. I thought the sticky option was supposed to
accomplish this task, but it doesn't seem to be working. Here is what
I'm trying to accomplish.

|  --Beginning of group--
| Cell1   Cell2   Cell3
| Cell4   Cell5   Cell6
|  -- End of group --
|  --Beginning of group--
| Cell7   Cell8   Cell9
| Cell10  Cell11  Cell12
|  -- End of group --

Instead, here's what I'm getting:

|  --Beginning of group--
| Cell1   Cell2   Cell3
| Cell4   Cell5   Cell6
|  -- End of group --
|  --Beginning of group--
|    Cell7 Cell8 Cell9
|    Cell10Cell11Cell12
|  -- End of group --

The cells in the top group are larger and take up more space;
therefore the cells below do not align correctly. I would like them to
all line up like they were in an spreadsheet. I want them in different
groups because they are in different categories, and I'm using the
group boundary as a separator.

Here is my code:

        #### Insert options for Support Services
        ssGroup = Pmw.Group(self.configScreen, tag_text="Support
Services", tag_foreground='dark green')

        ## Insert Title
        Label( ssGroup.interior() , text='Part Number', font=('MS',
10, 'bold') ).grid(row=0, col=0, sticky=W, padx=0 )
        Label( ssGroup.interior(), text='Description', font=('MS', 10,
'bold') ).grid(row=0, col=1, sticky=W, padx=2 )
        Label( ssGroup.interior(), text='Quantity', font=('MS', 10,
'bold') ).grid(row=0, col=2, sticky=W, padx=0 )

        x = 1
        self.e = IntVar()
        for part, list in info.masterList.items():
            setattr( self.e, part, IntVar() )

        for part, list in info.masterList.items():
            print part
            if list[5] == "ss":
                Label( ssGroup.interior() , text=part ).grid(row=x,
col=0, sticky=W, padx=0 )
                Label( ssGroup.interior(), text=list[0] ).grid(row=x,
col=1, sticky=W, padx=2 )
                Entry( ssGroup.interior(), width=3, textvariable =
getattr(self.e, part),
                       text='0').grid(row=x, col=2, sticky=W, padx=4 )
                e = getattr(self.e, part)
                x += 1

        ssGroup.pack(expand=1, fill=X, ipady=5)

        #### Insert options for Professional Services
        psGroup = Pmw.Group(self.configScreen, tag_text="Professional
Services", tag_foreground='dark green')
        ## Insert Title
        Label( psGroup.interior() , text='Part Number', font=('MS',
10, 'bold') ).grid(row=0, col=0, sticky=EW, padx=0 )
        Label( psGroup.interior(), text='Description', font=('MS', 10,
'bold') ).grid(row=0, col=1, sticky=EW, padx=2 )
        Label( psGroup.interior(), text='Quantity', font=('MS', 10,
'bold') ).grid(row=0, col=2, sticky=EW, padx=0 )
        x = 1
        for part, list in info.masterList.items():
            print part
            if list[5] == "ps":
                Label( psGroup.interior() , text=part ).grid(row=x,
col=0, sticky=EW, padx=0 )
                Label( psGroup.interior(), text=list[0] ).grid(row=x,
col=1, sticky=EW, padx=2 )
                Entry( psGroup.interior(), width=3, textvariable =
getattr(self.e, part),
                       text='0').grid(row=x, col=2, sticky=EW, padx=4
                e = getattr(self.e, part)
                x += 1

        psGroup.pack(expand=1, fill=X, ipady=5)

The bottom group properly expands to take up the available space left
over from the larger top group. I thought that the sticky option was
supposed to make the cells expand, but it doesn't appear to do so in
this case. How do I force the grid cells to expand also?

Thanks ahead of time,

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