Is there a method that returns a character at a specified index?
Cameron Laird
claird at
Sun Oct 26 21:40:42 EST 2003
In article <bnhusm$114ioa$1 at>,
Michael Loomington <mloomington at> wrote:
>Couldn't find anything here
>I need to cycle through lines in a file that contain words and compare it to
>a string thats given, call it SSS to see if the words in the file can be
>written from SSS. I am planning to grab each letter from the word one at a
>time and removing it from SSS and if the letter doesn't exist then I will go
>on to the next word. That's why I need a method that returns a letter at
>each index. Maybe there an easier way of doing this.
I don't understand your description.
I'm certain there's an easier way.
My guess is that this is an example of what you think you want:
Python 2.3+ (#2, Aug 10 2003, 11:33:47)
[GCC 3.3.1 (Debian)] on linux2
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>>> alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>> alphabet[3]
>>> alphabet[14]
Cameron Laird <claird at>
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