Process Information by PID

Wojtek Walczak gminick at
Tue Oct 21 03:33:33 EDT 2003

Dnia Thu, 16 Oct 2003 14:32:23 +0200, Thomas Guettler napisaƂ(a):
> I want to get some information about
> a process. 
> I know its PID, and I need
> to know the commandline.
> I need something like:
>> ps -p $THISPID
> System: Linux, Python2.2

Well, for my needs I wrote procpy:


It's a C module for python using libproc library. The script
does the work for you. Here's a little readme:


ps. in Linux ps, w, top and so on are using libproc as well

[ Wojtek Walczak - gminick (at) ]
[        <>        ]
[ "...rozmaite zwroty, matowe od patyny dawnosci." ]

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