[#4071110] baby!your friend send this file to you !

groups-support at google.com groups-support at google.com
Sun Sep 28 06:34:48 EDT 2003

Thank you for contacting us about our Google Groups service. We read

all incoming emails and your comments will be forwarded to the

appropriate Google team.  However, because our resources are focused

on completely implementing the changes our users have already

suggested, we are not able to respond to each email personally.

In order to assist you as quickly as possible, we have included

answers to the most frequently asked questions in this message,

including instructions on how to post or remove posts from a

discussion. It's likely you will find answers to other questions in

our <a href="http://groups.google.com/googlegroups/help.html">Google

Groups FAQ</a>, which we continue to update.

We are working hard to provide the Web's best access to Usenet and ask

that you bear with us as we work to make this a reality.


The Google Team


* Can I prevent my message from becoming a permanent part of Google


By default, any message you post will be accessible to anyone looking

at the newsgroup in which you posted it. However, you can always

choose to reply directly to a post by email instead of posting a reply

within a newsgroup.  With email, only the author will see your


You can also type " X-No-archive: yes" in the first line of your

message.  Messages containing this command are sent to Usenet and are

available to other newsreaders, but will not be saved in most Usenet

archives, including Google Groups.

* How do I post to Google Groups?

To post a message, you must first identify the newsgroup in which you

wish to start a discussion or select an article to which you wish to


To start a new thread, click the link that says: 'Post new message to

the.name.of.a.group'. You should see this link when you're one level

above the actual articles in the group.

If you wish to respond to a specific post, you must drill down all the

way to the message level. Your message will be "threaded" to that

message and the others that have preceded it. You can find an article

by searching on a given topic and then clicking on the "View Thread"

link; or by browsing through a newsgroup and clicking on an

article. When you are ready to post, click on the "Post a Followup"

link in the upper right corner of your screen. If the link does not

appear, you may not be at the article level.

Whether you're replying to a message or starting a new thread, the

first time you post you will be taken to a registration page. It's

required that you register with an email address and password before

posting in order to protect your identity. Follow the instructions for

registering. On subsequent visits, simply sign in with your login and

password to access the posting form.

If you're new to posting, you may also want to spend a few minutes

reading about Usenet posting etiquette. This will help you avoid

common mistakes and give you a feel for the do's and don'ts of

communicating with a potentially global audience.

* Can I remove a message after I post it?

Google Groups enables the nuking (removal) of an author's own posts

from message groups.  if you are the author of a message in the

archive and would like to remove it, send an email to:

groups-support at google.com that contains the following items:

. Your full name and contact information, including an email address

  that can be verified

. The complete Google Groups URL (or message ID) for each message you

  would like to have suppressed

. A statement that says "I swear under penalty of civil or criminal

  laws that I am the person who posted each of the foregoing messages

  or am authorized to request removal by the person who posted those


. Your signature (electronic)

To prevent your future posts from being added to the Google Groups

archive, type 'X-No-archive: yes' in the header or the first line of

the message.

* I just posted an article and it's not showing up on Google Groups.

  Why not?

Since Usenet is actually a network of thousands of computers, it takes

some time for your message to be propagated to all of them. Usually a

message begins showing up within 1-4 hours, but because of random

fluctuations in web space, the process sometimes takes longer.

* I don't want my email address to be published on the web, but I

  still want to post.  How can I hide my email address?

We require a valid email address to post to Google Groups.  If you

don't want your normal email address to be listed, we encourage you to

sign up for an anonymous account with one of the many free email

services available on the web and to post from that account. You can

find a list of such services by conducting a Google search.

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