beep is not genrated by python (was Re: just a beep)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Tue Sep 2 03:45:00 EDT 2003

"Leo" wrote:

> so again: is there a more robust and terminal independent way to
> generate a beep?

on windows, use winsound.Beep:

>>> import winsound
>>> help(winsound.Beep)
Help on built-in function Beep:

    Beep(frequency, duration) - a wrapper around the Windows Beep API

    The frequency argument specifies frequency, in hertz, of the sound.
    This parameter must be in the range 37 through 32,767.
    The duration argument specifies the number of milliseconds.
    On WinNT and 2000, the platform Beep API is used directly.  Else funky
    code doing direct port manipulation is used; it's unknown whether that
    will work on all systems.


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