where are the "class variables"?

Tim Rowe tim at remove_if_not_spam.digitig.co.uk
Tue Sep 30 16:21:26 EDT 2003

On 30 Sep 2003 11:57:17 -0700, dokaspar at student.ethz.ch (Dominik
Kaspar) wrote:

>i'm used to java and its strict way of defining variables. so how is
>it possible to reach something like a class variable in python?
>with the following code i didn't have much succes...
>class Server(threading.Thread):
>    running = 0  (??)
>    def run(self):
>        running = 1
>        while running:
>            print "do something here..."
>    def exit(self):
>        running = 0
>-- dominik


class Server(threading.Thread):
	running = 0
	def run(self):
		Server.running = 1
		while Server.running:
			print "Hello!"
	def exit(self):
		Server.running = 0

If you want class /functions/, though, you need a recent version of

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