None, False, True

John Roth newsgroups at
Tue Sep 16 16:40:03 EDT 2003

"M-a-S" <NO-MAIL at> wrote in message
news:5MJ9b.13244$x21.9088 at
> "Max M" <maxm at> wrote in message
news:3f675ecd$0$97184$edfadb0f at
> >
> > Yes. You assign new values to the objects None, False and True. You then
> > print out those values in a tuple.
> >
> > What's not to understand?
> >
> > But for others reading your programme you might be better of to keep
> > them their normal values.
> Which are ...?
> I mean what are None, False and True? Are they just identifiers? Are they
> variables defined in __builtins__? Are they literals? Are they language
> like "for" and "1"?

As of 2.3, they are unique objects in the builtins name space. As such,
they can be shadowed, which is what causes the confusion.

John Roth

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