Begineer Question : Global string substitution with re

peter leonard pfleonard at
Mon Sep 22 05:22:44 EDT 2003

This is a basic question but I can't figure out what is wron - even after 
reading the documentation. I have a script that normalizes strings. One of 
the steps is to convert all fractions too the tag 'fraction'. For example :

import re
line = "This is the first ratio, 170/37, and this is the second  170/37 "

def normalise(text):

    #Tag fractions
    fraction = r'(\s+\d+\/\d+\s+)'
    regfr = re.compile(fraction)
    text = regfr.sub(" |fraction| ",text)

    #Remove punctuation
    punc = r'\,'
    regpunc = re.compile(punc)
    text = regpunc.sub("",text)

    return text

print line,"\n"
print normalise(line),"\n"

The output from this script is :

This is the first ratio, 170/37, and this is the second  170/37

This is the first ratio 170/37 and this is the second |fraction|

I can't understand why only one of the fractions gets substituted. The 
documentation for sub states that the default argument for sub is 0 which 
means replace all occurences. The output of my script should be :

This is the first ratio |fraction| and this is the second |fraction|

Any help appreciated.


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