Huh?!?!? What is it that I'm seeing here?

Tim Parkin tim.parkin at
Mon Sep 15 03:35:40 EDT 2003

Don Bruder:
>I'm hitting some stuff that looks to be 
>idiomatic, without being able to locate a definition/description of the

>if __name__ == '__main__':
>  run(argv[1:])

A general help hint is to use google and throw all of the 'words' from
the sample in...

Heres what to search for in your case...

"__name__ argv main"

Heres a link..

This generally helps me in 99% of problems.

It's a shame you have chosen not to ever learn another programming
langauge (as I presume this isn't a specific anti-python feeling). All
languages will 'expire' someday and you could do a lot, lot worse than
Python as your next one.


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