I need to make Excel/Powerpoint-style charts.

Eric Brunel eric.brunel at pragmadev.com
Wed Sep 10 03:47:58 EDT 2003

python at sarcastic-horse.com wrote:
> Hi-
> My office produces a lot of charts based on time-series data.  We use MS
> powerpoint and excel to make these charts.  The data gets updated
> regularly, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to automate updating
> the charts using these packages.  So, we spend a non-trivial amount of
> time manually updating lots of spreadsheets to redraw the charts we need.
> I hope to find some sort of python graphics library that can make charts
> similar to Excel and Powerpoint, and then I can start automating these
> tasks.
> Here is an example of the charts we make:
> http://www.sarcastic-horse.com/example.pdf #52k size file.
> Are there any packages that can do similar charts?  I need to be able to
> chart time-series data with occasional missing observations.  I also need
> to be able to shade some regions of the charts, and add text titles,
> captions and notes.
> I'm (slowly) learning the reportlab package, and it looks good, but I
> wanted to check if there was an even better solution out there.
> Thanks for the help.

Maybe you'll be interested in gdchart/PyGDChart: http://www.fred.net/brv/chart
I'm not really sure it can do everything you want, though...

- Eric Brunel <eric.brunel at pragmadev.com> -
PragmaDev : Real Time Software Development Tools - http://www.pragmadev.com

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