Pass-by-reference : Could a C#-like approach work in Python?

Steve Holden sholden at
Thu Sep 11 09:10:42 EDT 2003

Steve Holden                        
Python Web Programming       

"Stephen Horne" <$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$> wrote...
> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:46:11 +0000 (UTC), JCM
> <joshway_without_spam at> wrote:
> >Stephen Horne <$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$@$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$> wrote:
> >
> >...
First of all, if you insist on using an invalid address, might I suggest
that "x at y.invalid" would be less visually annoying, with the additional
merit of actually meaning something.
> >
> >>>>> def Inc(ref p) :
> >> ...   p += 1
> >> ...
> >>>>> x = 1
> >>>>> Inc(x)
> >>>>> x
> >> 2
> >
> >While I'd not be against some sort of reference-passing mechanism in
> >Python, I think this is the wrong way to go--modifiability should be
> >evident to the caller.
> 1.  I pointed out that this is an advantage of the C# system, which I
>     was proposing to imitate.
> : The C# solution uses a modifier keyword, but that keyword must be
> : specified in both the function definition *and* the call. For
> : instance...
> ...
So, if I can summarise. You see a feature in C# that represents perhaps one
of the less-well-thought-out aspects of the language. You then ask how to
graft it into Python because "Python should be more like C#"?
> : The rationale for this in C#, I assume, is mostly about clarity and
> : maintainability - the caller can't be surprised when value type
> : parameters are changed in a function as he had to explicitly allow it.
I agree the requirement for the "ref" keyword in the call lends some
clarity. Not sure I'd agree about maintainability, though. And it can only
be a matter of time before people start suggesting that the ref mechanism be
used because there's a two-hundred nanosecond time saving ...
> 2.  You quoted the example I labelled as "(roughly) what I'd like to
>     be able to do" and ignored the one where I adopted the C#
>     approach...
> : >>> def Inc(ref p) :
> : ...   p += 1
> : ...
> : >>> x = 1
> : >>> Inc(ref x)
> : >>> x
> : 2
> So your criticism is invalid simply because the whole point of my post
> was to suggest a scheme where "modifiability should be evident to the
> caller".
But given Python's ability to have a function return a tuple to an unpacking
assignment (which has the real advantage that the intention to modify the
value of the left-hand tuple elements is explicit) I really can't see why
you want to complicate things further. "Explicit is better than implicit".

> >  Currently, if you see a call to f(x) you know
> >that x cannot be rebound.
> And if in some future version of Python the suggestion I made was
> implemented, when you see f(x) you will still know that x cannot be
> rebound - but when you see f(ref x) you will know that x may well be
> rebound.
OK, remind me why this is better than

x = Inc(x)


x, y = DoubleInc(x, y)

> >  I'd be more in favor of something like:
> >
> >  >>> def Inc(ref p):
> >  ...    p += 1
> >  ...
> >  >>> x = 1
> >  >>> Inc(x)
> >  >>> x
> >  1
> >  >>> Inc(ref x)
> >  >>> x
> >  2
> I wouldn't want this. To implement it, either a single compiled
> version of a function would need to figure out at run time whether the
> parameters where by reference or not, or several versions of each
> function would have to be compiled into the .pyc file.
> Also, I don't really see the benefit. If a function has by-reference
> parameters then rebinding those parameters is likely a big part of the
> purpose of the function. Supplying a parameter which cannot be rebound
> is likely an error caused by someone forgetting to type the 'ref', in
> which case they'd equally likely appreciate an error message as
> opposed to wierd, hard-to-trace logic errors.
So you introduce a "ref" keyword so that a dangerous and unneccessary
mechanism can be "safely" introduced?

still-not-convinced-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden                        
Python Web Programming       

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