fast way to filter a set?

Nicola Mingotti nicola-mingotti at
Wed Sep 17 12:51:59 EDT 2003

fortepianissimo at (Fortepianissimo) writes:

> I know I can do things like
> s=Set(range(1,11))
> s=Set(filter(lambda x:x%2==0,s))
> But this seems a bit slow since filter returns a list which then must
> be converted back to a set. Any tips? Thanks!

Can you ? 
I tried python2.3 and 2.2 and it replies
: "NameError: name 'Set' is not defined" .

There is a PEP but it seems it's steel 'under consideration'.

May be , if this proposal is accepted you
one day could write :
{ x for x in S if x%2 == 0 }   # S be a set .


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