asyncore question

Stéphane Ninin stefnin at
Thu Sep 25 07:27:05 EDT 2003

Also sprach Stéphane Ninin :

>>> I believe it's an oversight in asyncore.  Either create_socket should
>>> take a map parameter, or __init__ should store the initial map and
>>> create_socket should use it.  One workaround is to create the socket
>>> yourself and call set_socket(sock, some_map). 
>> Please submit a bug report.
>   Oops, sorry for delay.
> Where can I submit it ?

No need to reply... :) I found the page, and it seems a similar bug is 
already there, "[ 758241 ] asyncore with non-default map problems".
I guess that I could submit a patch if I find some time.

   Thanks & regards,

Stéphane Ninin

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