stripping a string
Bob Gailer
bgailer at
Sat Sep 13 18:15:06 EDT 2003
At 02:51 PM 9/13/2003, Leeds, Mark wrote:
>hello : i am very much a python novice because
>I only use it for preprocessing data that
>i send into another language called Splus.
>I have the following problem that
>I have spent a lot of time on but I
>can't figure out.
>I have a string called tickerstring
>that might be
>"ANL LN32"
>and i want to get rid of the digit piece.
>so that i get "ANL LN"
>i can't just take off the last two charcters
>because the string could also be
>"ANL LN3" for example.
import re
result = re.findall(r'(\D*)\d*', source)[0]
will remove any number of trailing digits.
Bob Gailer
bgailer at
303 442 2625
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