
John Hunter jdhunter at
Mon Sep 22 17:33:47 EDT 2003

>>>>> "Hank" == Hank  <soundwave56 at> writes:

    Hank> The last 't' was stripped. Is this fixed or documented
    Hank> anywhere? it works for other cases, but this one seems to
    Hank> give me a weird result.

That's because rstrip removes any characters up until the first one
one that doesn't match.  Since the 't' before the '.' is in the strip
string '.txt' it is stripped too.  Does this example clarify:

   >>> 'John D. Hunter'.rstrip('retD')
   'John D. Hun'

If you want to remove the extension, the best way is to use splitext

  >>> import os
  >>> base, ext  = os.path.splitext('test.txt')
  >>> base

Hope this helps,
John Hunter

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