safari (was Re: Writing solid code book)

Geoff Gerrietts geoff at
Fri Sep 12 11:42:22 EDT 2003

Quoting Alan Gauld (alan.gauld at
> On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 19:14:05 -0600, Jules Dubois
> <bogus at invalid.tld> wrote:
> > However, seeing for the first time Python's syntax in _Nutshell_ was enough
> > to scare me away.  
> Really? Can I ask why? I'd have thought seing Pythons syntax
> would be a breath of frsh air to most programmers, it certainly
> was for me. Why did you think it was scary?

I know I resisted the idea of significant whitespace for something
like six months, despite evangelical friends, before I turned away
from the dark side.

Perhaps not coincidentally, I began reconsidering my opinion at
approximately the same time I became responsible for extension of a
Perl script written by a fellow who was just coming to understand
use of references in Perl.


Geoff Gerrietts             "There is no fate that cannot be 
<geoff at gerrietts net>     surmounted by scorn." --Albert Camus

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