Image on disabled button

Jeff Hobbs jeffh at
Tue Sep 9 11:33:28 EDT 2003

Richard Townsend wrote:

> Is there a known problem with images on disabled buttons on Tk8.4.4 ?
> If I create a button widget using a bitmap as the image and make the button
> disabled, not all of the image becomes stippled. The 3 left hand columns of
> pixels and the bottom 3 rows of pixels are left unchanged. This is most
> obvious if you use a black square as the bitmap.
> If I run the same application using Tk8.3.4 this doesn't happen - the
> stipple is applied to the whole image.
> I am using Python2.3 + Tkinter to test this.

Do you have a sample bitmap and code snipper (Tcl/Tk or Tkinter) that
one can repro this with?  There were some fixes that went in for
compound buttons (those that display both image and text), but I don't
think anything changed for regular bitmaps.

     Jeff Hobbs                     The Tcl Guy
     Senior Developer     
         Tcl Support and Productivity Solutions

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