unknown charset dialog(wxPython problem)

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at parthe.lpthe.jussieu.fr
Thu Sep 25 16:48:48 EDT 2003

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 22:41:17 +0900, Charlie Kim <NOSPAM__nabugoon__ at __moor.pe.krNOSPAM> wrote:
> http://gnome.or.kr/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=gnome-apps&id=aks
> Why that dialog box appear whenever run wxPython program?

 Because wxWindows doesn't know about "EUC-KR" encoding (it should, but it

> any idea?

 Normally once you select anything in this dialog it should never appear again
as the result is saved. At least this is what happens at wxWindows level,
maybe wxPython modifies this.

GCS/GM d? H+ s++:-- p2 au--- a- w+ v C+++ UBLS+++ P- L++ N++ E--- W++++ M? V--
-po+ R++ G`` !tv b+++ D--- e++++ u++ h--- f+ r++ n- y?

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