Docs on speeding up Python code?

Jeremy Jones zanesdad at
Tue Sep 2 11:59:40 EDT 2003

* Andreas Neudecker (a.neudecker at wrote:
> Hi.
> I have seen some discussions going on about making Python code faster 
> and several measures looked fairly 'esoteric' to me (i.e.: you need to 
> know a lot of background things to even KNOW about these possibilities).
> Is there anywhere a concise Howto, article, PEP, whatever that describes 
> possible measures to make Python code faster (and probably 'cleaner', 
> too)? And possibly in a way, that a beginner or intermediate Python user 
> can understand? ;-)
> If you know of any such docs, I would be happy if you could post some links.
> Regards
> Andreas

One link that has helped me out is  I got a considerable performance boost on a parser that I wrote by following his suggestions (specifically doing things over and over and the use of the profiler).


Jeremy Jones

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