Comment on PEP-0322: Reverse Iteration Methods

Sean Ross sross at
Fri Sep 26 13:32:14 EDT 2003

"David Eppstein" <eppstein at> wrote in message
news:eppstein-B529F3.09181826092003 at
> ireverse, like imap(), izip(), etc., suggests that the operation happens
> without the memory overhead of copying the whole sequence into a list
> before reversing it.  Do you have some plan for how to do that e.g. with
> simple generators?  Or easy to understand explanation for which things
> can be ireversed and which can't?

Nope. Nor have I intimated I had such, nor that any would be forthcoming.
This is a naming suggestion. I am neither the originator of the proposal nor
a proponent of it, so I see no reason to formulate such a plan nor to give
an explanation of how it should be accomplished. I saw a name, and offered
another. That is all.

P1: "If I make this thing, I propose to call it 'ShomozzleBoB'."
P2: "Really? How about just BoB?"
P3: "Do you have a plan for how to do BoB?"
P2: "Huh?"

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