
Robin Munn rmunn at pobox.com
Tue Apr 20 09:32:04 EDT 2004

Deefex <Deefex.14s2bz at mail.codecomments.com> wrote:
> hey what's up, i've been looking for online tutorials to learn python on
> windows but i can't find anything. does anyone know a good site with
> good beginner's python information? thank you very much.

Python's own website, http://www.python.org/, contains good beginner's
Python information. Start with http://www.python.org/topics/learn/ and
explore the links, especially the tutorial links.

As for tutorials specific to Python on Windows: most of Python is
OS-independent and will work the same no matter what operating system
you're running on: Windows, Unix, or Mac. Once you've got a sufficient
grasp of Python as a language, then you can start exploring the parts
that are specific to Windows. I don't know much about that subject, as I
mainly use Linux, but you could start with Mark Hammond's Python for
Windows extensions and go from there:


Robin Munn
rmunn at pobox.com

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