Python Filemanager and Shell Context Menu

Francesco scrutinizer at
Sun Apr 4 11:37:55 EDT 2004

Hello Pythonnian's

(sorry for crossposting)

I have written on the base of Miro Rajic a (still) small filemanager
in wxPython.
Now I want to add (for Windows XP) a explorer shell context menu.

I have no idea, how to accomplish this.
For what I can imagine:
Either use ctypes and the kernel or shell dll, or win32 extensions.

Have someone done such a task before?
Can someone help me?

Who has interesest and want to join in my project "wxPyAtol"?

particulary for the next time:

- Testing
- support for linux
- maybe restructure the program. (it is not very pyhton like)
- drag and drop support
- leap to wxPython 2.5

latest sources:

SF Site:

My Homepage:

Sorry for my english and thank you in advance.


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