Parsing cmd line args problem
Paulo da Silva
psXdaXsilva at esotericaX.ptX
Fri Apr 9 23:04:21 EDT 2004
Paulo da Silva wrote:
I got it to work! Is there a better way?
> Hi.
> I am writing my 1st. python program and I have the following problem:
> I need to build a list of lists (or tuples) for every -i option.
> Example:
> prog -i xxx -i yyy
> and get a list like [[xxx,1],[yyy,1]]
> I have tried this (callback) without any success:
> ....
Here is what I did!
> def ixOpt(option,opt,value,parser):
if parser.values.ix is None:
> def parseArgs():
> ....
> add_option("-i", "--include",
> action="callback",callback=ixOpt,
> type="string",dest="ix",
> help="Include file PATTERN",metavar="PATTERN")
> Any help please?
> Thanks
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