Difference between default arguments and keyword arguments

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Mon Apr 5 00:43:50 EDT 2004

In article <yD1cc.12064$yN6.3263 at newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net>,
Edward Diener <eldiener at earthlink.net> wrote:
>Along the same lines, I would like to add to that the explanation for
>classes in the tutorial is very poor since it assumes a much higher
>understanding of Python than a tutorial should about the language. A
>much simpler and more direct explanation regarding classes in Python
>would be much better. While I mostly got it because I have programmed
>extensively in other OOP languages, I would expect your average Python
>beginner to be completely lost by much of the high-level explanation in
>that chapter.  Whoever wrote it was much more interested in explaining
>the theory of classes in Python, to beginners no less !, than they were
>toward explaining what classes are in Python and how to use them. And
>why iterators and generators are included in that chapter are beyond
>me. Also the tutorial mentions some usages of classes, in previous
>sections, before the explanation of classes occur, which I feel is
>definitely a mistake.

While I agree that the tutorial could stand improvement, it *is*
targetted more at experienced programmers.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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