Newbie question: matching

Robert Brewer fumanchu at
Thu Apr 15 19:58:09 EDT 2004

josh R wrote:
> I am trying to write some python to parse html code.  I find it easier
> to do in perl, but would like to learn some basic python.  My code
> looks like this:
> line = "<tr>eat at joe's</tr><tr>or else</tr><tr>you'll starve</tr>"
> so = re.compile("(\<tr\>.*?\<\\tr\>)")
> foo=so.match(line)
> print foo.groups()
> I'd like to get an array of elements that looks like this:
> array(0)= <tr>eat at joe's</tr>
> array(1)= <tr>or else</tr>
> array(2)= <tr>you'll starve</tr>
> Could you please tell me the correct way to do the matching?

>>> import re
>>> line = "<tr>eat at joe's</tr><tr>or else</tr><tr>you'll starve</tr>"
>>> re.findall(r"<tr>.*?</tr>", line)
["<tr>eat at joe's</tr>", '<tr>or else</tr>', "<tr>you'll starve</tr>"]

> also, is there something similiar to perl's s/foo/bar/g?

re.sub(pattern, repl, string)


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