Does Python compete with Java?

Robert Brewer fumanchu at
Tue Apr 13 13:29:06 EDT 2004

Jakub Fast wrote:
> not-very-readable syntax: operator overloads and static 
> methods. is this an issue that is argued over?

Those are (at least) two issues, but, yes, they are argued over. You
might want to search comp.lang.python and the python-dev mailing list
for examples of each; there are quite a few.

The syntax for staticmethod (and classmethod, etc.) is currently being
discussed in terms of decorators in PEP 318: The use of a new keyword
'static' is not a dictator-approved option, IIRC; however, other
syntaxes are being actively developed. Read the PEP.

Generic syntax mangling (like '~~>') is not happening anytime soon, I
don't think. Again, you should probably search python-dev for a
pronouncement from Guido on that issue, but previous conversations we've
had here generally end with some Pythonista saying:

"LISP is over there ==>"

Saying, in effect, that it isn't Pythonic.

Greg Ewing was thinking specifically on getting "and", "or" and "not" to
be overridable:*&selm=c1bobu%241 
I'm not sure how far he got, but I'd still appreciate it myself (Greg?
<:) I'm still using & | and - instead, since those are overridable.

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at

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