newbie question

Chris Green cmg at
Fri Apr 16 18:12:40 EDT 2004

jeff <plastic"no-spam-pls"> writes:

> how can i be sure i have received the entire string?

You need to queue up the data returned and have a protocol defined for
when a command terminates such as '\r\n'. Ugly Untested code below.

buf = ""
delim = "\r\n"

while 1:
    sdata = s.recv(1024)

    if not sdata:

    # append sdata to the buf
    buf += sdata

    while 1:
        idx = buf.find(delim)
        if idx > -1:
           cmd = buf[:idx]  # grab cmd
           buf = buf[:idx + len(delim)] # save off the rest of the command
           if cmd == "kill":
                print "Received:", sdata
           break  # breaks inner loop

Chris Green <cmg at>
TCP: Treason uncloaked!

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