Why I love python.
Dave Brueck
dave at pythonapocrypha.com
Fri Aug 13 15:27:32 EDT 2004
Nick Patavalis wrote:
> On 2004-08-13, Dave Brueck <dave at pythonapocrypha.com> wrote:
>>Nobody is arguing that Python is as fast as C. But being slower does
>>not imply that Python is unsuitable for those tasks. I'd consider
>>your list to be pretty atypical of normal development (how many TCP
>>stacks and relational databases need to get written each year?),
> I also mentioned web-browsers, ray-tracers, circuit-simulators. I
> could add word-processor, spreadsheets, video editing programs, and
> GUI toolkits to the list. Are they still too exotic?
No - but I still don't think they reflect anywhere near a majority of
the development that goes on. I'm not at all saying that there aren't
applications where performance matters, just that (1) it tends to be far
less common than most people believe/realize (2) when it does matter, it
usually matters in a very tiny portion of the total code, and (3) rarely
in today's development do you need to build from scratch everything down
to the building blocks themselves anyway (so if you're e.g. building a
web browser, in many cases you won't even be dealing with lowest level
data anyway - you won't be handling individual pixels but will be
calling a library somewhere else to render an image for you - and as the
developer of the web browser, that's just peachy)
IOW, it'd be lovely to have a blazingly fast-as-C Python, but the lack
of fast-as-C performance is rarely the most important problem in practice.
> To cut the thread
> short, what I mean is that an application that has to do something
> like:
> for i in range(N):
> a[i] = b[i] + c[i]
> is bound to be 10 to 100 times slower than the equivalent coded in
> C. Which means that the cost of doing *computation* in Python is
> prohibitively high!
Not necessarily, and that's the point. You're making the assumption that
10-100 times slower is too slow. In some cases it most definitely is.
In many cases it most definitely is not.
> Have you ever seen, say, an AVL-tree
> implementation in production Python code? Probably not. Have you ever
> seen someone implementing some sort of string-lookup algorithm in
> Python (instead of using the build-in dictionaries)? Again no. Is it
> because Python has found the "one-size-fits-all",
> "best-algorithm-ever-devised" solution?
Or is it because in 99% of the cases what is there works good enough, so
much so that obtaining the difference is not worth the opportunity cost
of working on something else?
If you have an overabundance of a particular resource, and you can gain
some advantage in exchange for some of that abundance, it's nearly
always worth the trade. Such is the case with CPU - for many, many
programs we have oodles of excess CPU time lying around, so it's a
worthwhile trade. And that's exactly why everybody would love a faster
Python but most people aren't willing to invest time working on it.
I welcome any speed boost we see from people working on improving
performance, but it's just not what's standing between me and most of my
development goals. Heck, right now I'm writing this message, I've got my
mail & IM messages going, a couple of code editors open, a virtual PC
instance running my database and webserver, and I'm building web pages
off content in the database and saving them to disk. CPU usage is
hovering around 5%. If I were to increase the speed of all of these
applications by a factor of 1000 I wouldn't even notice. Add a few
features to any of them, and I would.
> Or is it because the weight of
> the language itself is such that even a suboptimal algorithm
> implemented in C will never be matched by a python implementation?
Practice has shown that, not only is this not true, but that a lot of
times working in a higher level language is also worth it because the
cost of discovering and implementing a better algorithm is cheaper, so
you could end up with better performance than going to C. Or, you'd
arrive at plenty-fast-enough sooner.
> No, but the performance difference between C and Assembly was
> *small*.
Over time, yes, but certainly not initially. I still remember how
appallingly slow my graphics routines were in C - way too much overhead
- while in assembly they had no problems at all.
> And at some point the C compilers became so good, that you
> couldn't beat them by hand coding something (of considerable length)
> in assembly.
That happened later, at least on PCs. The real transition happened as
CPU speed grew so much that the difference between e.g. 4.77 MHz and 10
MHz was boring.
> As for C++, one of its primary design-goals were "zero
> unneeded overhead"; so it *is* possible to write a C++ program that is
> as fast as a C program, if you want to do it.
It was a design goal, but (1) implementations didn't achieve it very
well initially and (2) in the end it didn't matter that they didn't
achieve it. More and more people migrated to C++ because the cost of
doing so (overhead) fell steadily over time - even more quickly than the
compilers improved.
> and I want to be sure that---by guiding
> the compiler properly---it will produce code that is as efficient as a
> well-written C program, or hand-coded assembly (or at least close to
> that).
Ugh - any time you spend guiding the compiler is time you could have
spent actually solving a problem. I find it interesting that when
programming in C we don't use the 'register' compiler hint anymore. Why?
It's a combination of smarter compilers and faster computers, but either
way its existence was awful IMO - don't distract the programmer like that.
I *love* it whenever I see that Pystone benchmarks are improving, or
that any of the various VM implementations are making headway, and I'll
gladly use them. But at the same time, I have to admit that they aren't
solving any problems I encounter on a daily basis.
> For Python to become a "primary" language, there's
> still much work to be done.
Couldn't disagree more. Yes, things like interpreters, compilers, etc.
could use more maturity and will continue to evolve over time, but even
_lacking_ those things it's still far enough ahead of other "primary"
languages to make the _net_ result a huge advantage. With the evolution
of those things the advantage will just become more pronounced.
> But some of it has to do with
> ensuring---at the language level---that efficient environments are
> possible.
Again, I disagree. IMO one of the benefits of higher level languages is
that they underlying implementation technology takes care of details
that the developer need not be concerned with.
Overall, every little performance improvement in a Python implementation
extends the domain in which Python is a good tool for the job, and
that's great. But AFAICT it's already a terrific fit for a massive chunk
of real-world development, so much so that increasing its speed by, say,
a factor of 10 isn't going to even double its domain of usability.
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