distutils help

Michal Vitecek fuf at mageo.cz
Thu Aug 19 11:15:50 EDT 2004

Mark Jaffe wrote:
>I am customizing a setup script and need to pass in some additional 
>parameters specifying includes and libs. The build_ext lists some user 
>variables such as "include-dirs" and "library-dirs" but I am unclear on 
>how to access these within the setup.py. Are there any distutils gurus 

    name                = "xxx",
    ext_modules         = [
                  sources = ["a.c", "b.c",],
                  include_dirs = [get_python_inc(plat_specific = 1),

 try to look at other setup.py files - they might help you a lot.

		fuf		(fuf at mageo.cz)

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