Distributing Python applications - McMillan Installer question
cdunscombe at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 31 03:57:32 EDT 2004
Thanks Simon and Eric for your answers looks like I'll be supplying
byte code for *nix but I'll use one of the "freezers" for Windows as
Windows users tend to like installation etc. to be as simple as
"Simon John" <simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message news:<cglagp$h94 at odah37.prod.google.com>...
> I've built Installer programs on SUSE 9.1 and RedHat9, and they kinda
> work across the two platforms - the RH9 one also works on Fedora C1
> (but not RH7.3), and the SUSE one works on Linspire 4.5.....
> I'd say cx_Freeze is not much difference either, except it seems
> cleaner than the import hook used in MMI.
> But as far as building on Linux and running on HPUX, no chance, you
> might consider Jython/IronPython for that level of portability (or just
> supplying source).
> Your other option is using a packing system like Apt, RPM, SunPKG etc.
> and bundling Python and all dependencies with your program source (or
> hoping that the user already has Python installed).
> The whole *nix distribution issue is very complicated. Even the C++
> guys using Qt at work here have huge issues getting code to work across
> HPUX/AIX/Linux/Solaris.
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