numarray speed question
grv575 at
Tue Aug 31 00:52:42 EDT 2004
Great that cleared up that discrepancy between the source and the code
I'm translating to. I think I've tried all the libraries though,
numarray.fft, numarray.fftpack, scipi's fft module. I've even got the
install script for scipi to tell me it found fftw modules so I'm
pretty sure it was using them, but I'm getting the same speeds for
each module...and the code _should_ be about 10x faster (compared to
C/fortran/etc.) They really should better document exactly how to get
fast ffts up and running under these number packages.
cookedm+news at (David M. Cooke) wrote in message news:<qnkd61eshw1.fsf at>...
> At some point, Tim Hochberg <tim.hochberg at> wrote:
> > grv575 wrote:
> >
> > Is it possible to do single precision ffts in numarray or
> >> no?
> >
> > I believe so, but I'm not sure off the top of my head. I recommend
> > that you ask on numpy-discussion
> > <numpy-discussion at> or peek at the
> > implementation. It's possible that all FFTs are done double precision,
> > but I don't think so.
> Looks like the numarray.fft package uses doubles.
> If you really need floats, SciPy wraps the single- and
> double-precision versions of FFTW. (Although SciPy uses Numeric, not
> numarray).
> Or, you can make your own version of numarray.fft using floats
> (actually looks to relatively simple to do).
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