Alex Martelli: Welcome back!

Dave Benjamin ramen at
Fri Aug 27 14:57:20 EDT 2004

In article <1gj70sk.1o4cuwepco564N%aleaxit at>, Alex Martelli wrote:
> Batista, Facundo <FBatista at> wrote:
>> [Dave Benjamin]
>> #- Asunto: Alex Martelli: Welcome back!
>> #- 
>> #- It's nice to see you around here again!
>> +1
> Heh, thanks.  BTW, anybody interested in the readings we choose for our
> marriage (me and Anna, who's also going to be my coeditor for the Python
> Cookbook Second Edition) can have a look at

Congratulations! May you give new meaning to "pair programming". =)

> ... Pythonistas will find one of the poems, ahem, interesting.  (Some
> photos are at , but
> mentioning them would be OT, since they're not Python-related;-).

Yes, but Sir Peters omitted an important detail; is it:

  Over the toilet paper roll is better than under
Or is it the opposite? When in the face of ambiguity...

 .:[ dave benjamin: ramen/[sp00] -:- -:- ]:.
        "talking about music is like dancing about architecture."

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