Python indentation deters newbies?

Antoon Pardon apardon at
Tue Aug 17 08:22:30 EDT 2004

Op 2004-08-17, Sibylle Koczian schreef <Sibylle.Koczian at>:
> Porky Pig Jr schrieb:
>> beliavsky at wrote in message news:<3064b51d.0408130615.3fc4a760 at>...
>>>One of the most commmon reasons programmers cite for not trying Python
>>>is that indentation determines the program flow -- they think its
>>>weird. I think programmers who actually try Python adapt quickly and
>>>do not find the indentation rules to be a problem.
>> Not only it's *not a problem*. I've found it quite useful since it
>> forces you to keep the proper indentation.
> I think indentation that's only there for human eyes, not for the 
> compiler, can be the reason why you overlook your bugs:
> First version:
> if (condition) then
>      statement-1;
> statement-2;
> ...
> Second version:
> if (condition) then
>      statement-1;
>      statement-1a;
> statement-2;
> ...
> This isn't Python but Pascal, but you probably wanted the compiler to do 
> exactly what Python _will_ do: execute statement-1a if (and only if) 
> condition is true. I've done this time and again and each time wondered 
> about incorrect results.
> Of course this won't happen if you have to use braces or begin - end 
> even for a single statement. But with Pascal or C/C++ that's not enforced.

That is why I prefer modula2 style.

> And those staircases of
>          end
>      end
> end
> (quite a short example) aren't really beautiful, or are they?

Maybe not, but they do help readability in a whole lot of

Antoon Pardon

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