Fate of lambda, Functional Programming in Python...
Marek Baczyński
imbaczek-nospam at poczta.fm.cut-from-here.no-spam.info
Fri Aug 20 17:26:50 EDT 2004
Dnia Fri, 20 Aug 2004 22:37:07 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld napisał(a):
> Jeff Sandys wrote:
>> I think that lambda should be unlimited and expanded. It already has
>> the
>> colon, block delimiter, so allow lambda to be a multistatement and
>> multiline
>> indented block!
> So in what point exactly is this different from a def(), then?
1) Lambda is anonymous.
2) Lambda evaluates to a function (or rather can be used as an expression.)
Try this without lambda:
[lambda x, y: x+y, lambda x, y: x*y, ... (etc.)]
I don't say it's impossible, but largely superfluous. (Note that this
*particular* case can be (better) solved by operator.*.)
Marek Baczyński :: UIN 57114871 :: GG 161671 :: JID imbaczek at jabber.gda.pl
He who knows best best knows how little he knows. -- Thomas Jefferson
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