Python / scheme implement
Vent d'Est - East Wind
po-yung.liu at
Mon Aug 16 21:05:41 EDT 2004
Daniel Yoo wrote:
> Vent d'Est - East Wind <po-yung.liu at> wrote:
> : Can somebody tell me what s exactly the difference beetween scheme and
> : python languages
> : i m thiking to learn one of them but i m not sure wich one
> : somebody told me python is better and have much library
> : somebody told me scheme is much smarter and have nice structure
> Hello!
> What programming language experience do you already have?
beginner i like script-fu and python-fu in gimp but it s not the only
soft to do i m think to write a network gui soft
i have some problem with scheme on my debian
Running the PLT installer...
./bin/mzscheme: relocation error: ./bin/mzscheme: symbol
__libc_stack_end, version GLIBC_2.1 not defined in file
with link time reference
Error: PLT installer failed.
i installed one on my windows and work fine but i dont want to stay to
long on windows because too buggy too unstable and to virus
and i begin learn linux it s quite cool
> If you're looking for Scheme learning resources, you may want to look
> at the PLT web site:
yeah i saw it thankx
> In particular, the Scheme folks have written a few books for learning
> the language; the link above has an online version of "How to Design
> Programs", which is an excellent book. Another great book whose
> implementation language is Scheme is "The Structure And Interpretation
> of Computer Programs":
i see some free ebook in html format but seems difficult
i think to begin with these book if i do scheme Little Schemer and
Seasonned Scheme from Mit press
unfortunatly still not free edition so i will surely buy on
> On the Python side, you may want to look at:
> If you are a beginner to programming, visit:
> which includes links to introductory programming tutorials.
> : i also see a project about a scheme/python implementation
> : here is the url
> :
> : i m not sure what s really but seems cool if someone know more about it
> : or have some concrete exemple it can be more understable
> If you are interested in the other direction, I have a weak Scheme
> interpreter that's written in Python:
> It's not perfect (and frankly, is a little outdated!), but it's a
> proof-of-concept that one language can model the other.
your soft seems very intersting but i m too beginner for understand it
good in fact but in future can be cool
> Personally, I like both languages, so my advice would be to look at
> them both. (But perhaps not at the same time... *grin*)
it s also why i cant choice ok i choice to learn them both if not same
times wich ones first ??
> Good luck to you!
THANKXX for your precious advis i m gratefull to your hint
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