tarfile's tar.extractfile() file-like object incompatible with pickle.load()?
Tom B.
sbabbitt at commspeed.net
Thu Aug 26 21:54:23 EDT 2004
"Matt Doucleff" <mattduke at ugcs.caltech.edu> wrote in message
news:3e6d6c21.0408261043.264c3a2d at posting.google.com...
> Hi everyone! I must be doing something wrong here :) I have a
> tarball that contains a single file whose contents are a pickled
> object. I would like to unpickle the object directly from the tarball
> using the file-like object provided by extractfile(). Attempts to do
> this result in EOFError. However if I first extract to a temporary
> file, then unpickle from there, it works. The below code reproduces
> the problem (on my machine at least). I'm running Python 2.3.4,
> manually installed on Debian Woody (original python removed). Thanks!
> This sample code creates (and then removes) files in the tmp directory
> and in the current working directory.
> # demonstrates extractfile/unpickle failure (bug?)
> # pickle a dict to a temp file
> # create tar file, add temp file to it, close tar file
> # open tar file for reading
> # obtain file-like object for pickled file using extractfile()
> # attempt to unpickle dict from file-like object
> # fails with EOFError exception
> import tarfile
> import pickle
> import tempfile
> import os
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> try:
> hashtopickle = { 'a' : 1, 'b' : 2 }
> # pickle to temp file
> (fd, tmpfilename) = tempfile.mkstemp()
> tmpfile = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
> pickle.dump(hashtopickle, tmpfile)
> tmpfile.close()
> # create tar; add temp file
> tar = tarfile.open('tarpickle.tar', 'w')
> tar.add(tmpfilename, 'pickledhash')
> tar.close()
> # remove temp file
> os.remove(tmpfilename)
> # open tarfile for reading, get filelike
> tar = tarfile.open('tarpickle.tar', 'r')
> filelike = tar.extractfile('pickledhash')
> # fails
> hashcopy = pickle.load(filelike)
> finally:
> # cleanup
> os.remove('tarpickle.tar')
Maby you should,
import StringIO
hashcopy = pickle.load(StringIO.StringIO(filelike))
but im not sure,
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