Newbie 1st program

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Tue Aug 17 08:04:11 EDT 2004

nicksjacobson at (Nick Jacobson) wrote in 
news:f8097096.0408170233.5a40706d at

> Great job!  Here's something to clean up the code a bit:
> You can change:
<long code snipped>
> to:
>             ary = ["Restrict your search to a specific site",
> "", "", "", "", "",
> "", "", "", ""]
>             d = dict(zip(range(10), ary))
>             i = event.GetInt()
>             if i in range(10):
>                  t2.Clear()
>                  t2.SetValue(d[i])
>                  t2.SetEditable(bool(i))
Converting the list to a dict seems pointless. Likewise the weird range 
test seems a lot of effort to no gain, oh, and you got the sense of the 
SetEditable backwards:

            ary = ["Restrict your search to a specific site",
"", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", ""]

            i = event.GetInt()
            if 0 <= i < len(ary):
                 t2.SetEditable(i != 0)

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