favorite python web development tool?

Michael mogmios at mlug.missouri.edu
Tue Aug 17 19:29:36 EDT 2004

>> i'm fairly new to python, coming from a java servlet / velocity 
>> template background.  i'm looking for a good python web development 
>> tool, and hope to find some suggestions here.
> I've found mod_python + ZopePageTemplates (standalone) to be superb 
> solution to web application development. ZPT feels like a very natural 
> and maintainable way to separate business logic from presentation. Since 
> I've started using these two technologies, I've found my productivity 
> greatly increased.

I like using mod_python and XML-RPC. Develop the logic as a backend and 
then use a frontend to talk to that backend and to do whatever 
input/output processing needs to be done to make it all into a web app. 
I like that the frontend can actually be written in other languages as 
the situation requires and that in fact it doesn't even need to be a web 
app at all. I've written MPXMLRPC backends with PHP web-based frontends 
and wxPython frontends both. Pretty sweet.

Michael <mogmios at mlug.missouri.edu>

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