rsa implementation question
Heiko Wundram
heikowu at
Wed Aug 11 17:50:50 EDT 2004
Am Mittwoch, 11. August 2004 11:47 schrieb Ajay:
> > > i am using RSa for signing documents and hence decrypting and then
> > > encrypting to verify?
Oh, btw., if you're not necessarily bound to PyCrypto, you might give
Cryptopia a try:
It's a wrapper for GMP (PyGMP) combined with an ElGamal and RSA
encryption/decryption engine, and it's fast, faster than PyCrypto for large
key sizes (because it uses GMP) and simpler to use (because everything that
is returned from decrypt/encrypt is returned in classes which can easily be
stored to string/loaded from string). I've only built it on Linux and
Solaris, can't say if it'll build/work on Windows, although there is a port
of GMP to Windows out there...
Look at the examples if you need more info on how to use it.
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