[IronPython] Jim Hugunin's web log.
"rff_rff\" at (remove)yahoo.it
Tue Aug 31 06:58:23 EDT 2004
David Wilson ha scritto:
> For anyone who is excited about IronPython and it's consequences, you
> might find Jim Hugunin's web log to be of particular interest. I didn't
> see an announcement for this anywhere so here it is:
nice to hear, thanks
> Other random thoughts: my experiences of the Python community versus,
> eg., the perl community make me believe that Pythonistas are generally
> more accepting of commercial solutions than their open source weenie
> perl counterparts (*duck*). I'm still unsure as to whether or not this
> should be considered a Microsoft marketing strategy for making in-roads
> into the "open source scripting market".
Imo MS has always played with scripting languages.
The Shares Source CLI used perl.exe in its build process (maybe it still
does), and IIRC MS owns part of ActiveState. Plus, in a presentation of
MSH/Monad/"the new cmd.exe" they mentioned it being 'as powerful as perl
,python or ruby'.
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