Has anyone implemented BASIC in Python?
Michael J. Fromberger
Michael.J.Fromberger at Clothing.Dartmouth.EDU
Mon Aug 23 11:10:53 EDT 2004
In article <9h0ji0lvc0be65nuvcugaa3vsq5mcl3ck8 at 4ax.com>,
Andrea Griffini <agriff at tin.it> wrote:
> Writing parsers, interpreters and compilers is a lot simpler than
> many do think. Of course the evil is in the details and getting
> something that comes even just close to (just for example ;-) )
> python is a *LOT* harder.
> [...]
> I never use yacc/lex, I just prefer hand-coding the parsers.
> I never felt as pressing the problem of the speed of parsing
> (I've read that this is one main superiority of shift-reduce
> parsers). An hand-coded recursive descent parser is in my
> opinion very easy to write... and very easy to maintain.
For simple, single-purpose languages, I am inclined to agree that
hand-written parsers are easy enough to write and maintain. However,
when you are dealing with a more complex general-purpose language, and
one whose grammar needs to evolve over time, then I think a
parser-generator is a much better solution by far.
The chief trouble in maintaining a hand-written recursive descent parser
is that the grammar for the input language is hidden inside the
implementation. The author of the code can usually pick it out, but
over time, even the author may find it difficult (and yes, I am speaking
from a certain degree of first-hand experience in this matter).
In contrast, the grammars consumed by most parser-generators are
explicitly written out as grammars, in the spirit (of not the form) of
BNF notation. If you want to make a change to the grammar (and thereby,
the parser), you can easily see how the changes will affect the rest of
the language, and a new parser can be created quickly and easily, simply
by re-running the parser generator. The only lines of code you need to
touch are the places where your change affects the translation, and that
is often quite minimal.
Furthermore, naive implementation of recursive descent is fraught with a
few subtle perils to trip the novice and the unwary. For instance, you
must carefully avoid left-recursive productions, or your parser may not
terminate. Also, error-handling is tricky in recursive descent, because
much of the parser's state is implicit in stack frames that must be
correctly unwound when an error forces you to bail out. If you're
writing in a language (like Python) with good automatic memory
management, the latter is less of an issue, but recursive descent
parsers written in languages without automatic memory management, like C
and C++, must contend mightily with this.
Of course, there is no silver bullet, but the availability of good LR(1)
and LALR(1) parser generators should not be discounted, even if the
theory behind them seems to be slightly complicated, on the surface.
Michael J. Fromberger | Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science
http://www.dartmouth.edu/~sting/ | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA
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