age of Python programmers

Berthold Höllmann bhoel at
Wed Aug 18 16:44:50 EDT 2004

Cousin Stanley <cousinstanley at> writes:

> On 2004-08-18, Lucas Raab <pythongnome at> wrote:
> | One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age 
> | of a Python programmer ?? 
> |
> | What age groups use Python ?? 
> |
> | Something to think about....
>>>> import time
>>>> tup_lt = time.localtime()
>>>> now_yr = tup_lt[ 0 ]
>>>> now_mo = tup_lt[ 1 ]
>>>> now_da = tup_lt[ 2 ]
>>>> dob_yr = 1946
>>>> dob_mo = 8
>>>> dob_da = 9
>>>> dy     = now_yr - dob_yr
>>>> dm     = now_mo - dob_mo
>>>> dd     = now_da - dob_da
>>>> print '\n    %d Years .... %d Months .... %d Days .... Old \n' % ( dy , dm , dd )
>     58 Years .... 0 Months .... 9 Days .... Old

For me it's

>>> dob_yr = 1966
>>> dob_mo = 8
>>> dob_da = 18
>>> print '\n    %d Years .... %d Months .... %d Days .... Old \n' % ( dy , dm , dd )
    38 Years .... 0 Months .... 0 Days .... Old 


Programming since more than 20 Years. UCSD Pascal on Apple //e and
//c, FORTRAN, C, C++ and Python since more than 76 Years.

bhoel at /

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