Fixing socket.makefile()

John J. Lee jjl at
Tue Aug 10 16:08:58 EDT 2004

Alan Kennedy <alanmk at> writes:
> I also am interested in the answers, because I'm just coming to end of
> my implementation of cpython 2.3 compatible socket, select and
> asyncore modules for jython, i.e. asynchronous socket support, using
> the new java.nio APIs in jdk1.4+.


> P.S. To those who know I've working on this for *ages* now: apologies
> (Hi Irmen :-) My finances have prevented me from spending too much
> time working on this voluntary project. However, you may be encouraged
> to know that I now have it passing most of the cpython 2.3
> unit tests (including the ones that use
> It's only a matter of a month or two more now .....

Having Pyro running on both ends of Jython / CPython divide will be
very handy.

> Out of interest: Does anyone know if developing asynch-socket support
> for jython is the sort of work that might fall under the auspices of
> the PSF grant scheme?

I don't see why not.  This sort of fundamental-but-undramatic stuff is
really valuable.

Maybe the PSF should look into funding research aimed at cloning
Martin v. Loewis?  Or, if he's really a bot, maybe he could be
reimplemented using your new code, for superior scalability?


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