@decorator syntax is sugar, but for what exactly? (decorator libraries).
xtian at toysinabag.com
Tue Aug 10 19:39:47 EDT 2004
Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> wrote in message news:<mailman.1467.1092158118.5135.python-list at python.org>...
> class martha:
> memo = {}
> @staticmethod
> def memoize(func):
> if func not in martha.memo:
> martha.memo[func] = {}
> def _inner(*args, **kwds):
> items = kwds.items()
> items.sort()
> items = tuple(items)
> key = (args, items)
> try:
> val = martha.memo[key]
> except KeyError:
> val = func(*args, **kwds)
> martha.memo[key] = val
> return val
> return _inner
> @martha.memoize
> def fib(n):
> assert n >= 0
> print n
> if n <= 1:
> return 1
> return n + fib(n-1)
> print fib(5)
> print fib(4)
> Running that yields this output:
> 5
> 4
> 3
> 2
> 1
> 15
> 10
> Skip
Minor typo - I think the references to martha.memo[key] in _inner
should be to martha.memo[func][key], enabling you to prevent different
memoized functions' results from clashing when they were called with
the same parameters.
You can check this by adding another memoized function:
def fact(n):
assert n >= 0
print n
if n <= 1:
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)
print "fact(5) = %d" % fact(5)
If you add that to the end of the file, it'll give the wrong answer
without the change.
Sorry Skip - obviously you know this, which is why you've got the
martha.memo[func] = {} line there. I just thought it was worth
pointing out in case someone put it into their toolkit and then got
bit much later on when they memoized a second function that was called
with the same arguments.
It's a nice example of a useful decorator though - the syntax is
definitely growing on me, especially in a syntax-highlighted editor
where the def is more prominent because of colouring.
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