Making different things equal

wes weston wweston at
Sun Aug 22 11:46:59 EDT 2004

M. Clift wrote:
> Hi All,
> Back again...
> This code works nicely giving a list of names with no name repeated at a
> space of 3 i.e. you won't get 'Bob','Bob' or 'Bob','Sue','Bob'.
> What I'd like to do is add a condition to it which says that although the
> names are different 'Bob' and 'Mary' are equal and so it won't generate
> 'Bob', 'Rita','Mary'
> I've tried various ways to do it, but with no joy. Any help appreciated.
> Thanks, M
> <code>
> from random import *
> Name_Number = xrange(int(raw_input("Choose number of Names (1-20)? ")))
> state = [None,None]
> nextName = {'Bob':['Rita','Sue'],\
>               'Rita':['Mary','Sue','Bob'],\
>               'Sue':['Rita','Mary','Bob'],\
>               'Mary':['Sue','Rita']}
> Name_List = []
> tmp = choice(('Bob','Rita','Sue','Mary))
> for x in Name_Number:
>     print state
>     while tmp in state[0:2]:
>         tmp = choice(nextName[Name_List[-1]])
>     print tmp, ", ",
>     print
>     print "Name ",x+1," is ", tmp
>     Name_List.append(tmp)
>     state[x%2] = tmp
>     print Name_List
> <code>
    The debugging prints are changed, a tick after Mary is
added so it will run, and a few comments are added.
'still can't figure out what you want to do.

from random import *

     Name_Number = xrange(int(raw_input("Choose number of Names (1-20)? ")))

     state = [None,None]

     nextName = {'Bob':['Rita','Sue'],\

     Name_List = []

     tmp = choice(('Bob','Rita','Sue','Mary')) #after Mary ' missing

     for x in Name_Number:
         print 'state',state
         print 'tmp1',tmp
         while tmp in state[0:2]: #or for x in range(2):
             tmp = choice(nextName[Name_List[-1]])
             print 'tmp2',tmp
         print "Name ",x+1," is ", tmp
         state[x%2] = tmp

         print 'Name_List',Name_List

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