age of Python programmers

Eli Stevens (WG.c) listsub at
Wed Aug 18 18:51:40 EDT 2004

Lucas Raab wrote:

> One thing I've always kind of wondered is what is the average age of a
> Python programmer?

25 here, Python newbie (less than a year, I think).

I'm sad that nobody else in this thread has spoken in hushed, reverent 
tones about my gateway drug, LogoWriter.  I was 10 when my fifth grade 
math class went to the school computer lab and made the turtle crawl 
around the screen.  From there, QBasic, C++, C-because-school-made-me, 
Java-because-work-made-me, Python-to-save-me.  ;)

Handy tip: if you were anything like me, _don't_ go back and try to read 
your old code.  I had variable names like "qwer" "qwert" and "qwerty", 
alongside classics like "a", "b" and "c."


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